Pipkin Family Association

Elisha Pipkin Estate

N.C. State Archives - Researched 24 May 1975 by T.S. Ham
Cumberland County - Administrators Bonds MA-P CR 29.503.1 Box 9
"Scrap of paper"

Relinquishment E. Pipkin widow to Administration December 1824

To the Honourable Court of Plese and Quater session this is to ceritfy that I, Elizabeth Pipkin widow of Elisha Pipkin dec'd do resign over my clame to the Administration of the property of the said deceased to Lewis Pipkin a sone of the dec'd this 4th of Dec 1824.

Elizabeth Pipkin

Test: Venent (Vincent?) West

Cumberland County - Division of Estates 1818-1860, CR 029.519.2
Pipkin, Elisha, p. 68 (Abstract)
Division of the Real Estate of Elisha Pipkin dec'd

State of North Carolina
Cumberland County

Pursuant to an order of the County Court of Cumberland made at December Term 1825 of sd Court and renewed at March Term 1826, appointing & directing commissioners to divide and appropriate the real estate of Elisha Pipkin late of Cumberland County deceased among the heirs at law of said dec'd. Viz:

Lewis Pipkin, Daniel Keitly and Amy his wife, Jonathan Keitly and Polly his wife, Jacob Herring and Crissy his wife, Jesse Pipkin, Elisha Pipkin, Elizabeth Pipkin, Archibald Pipkin, Stuart Pipkin by their guardian Lewis Pipkin and Elisha Pipkin, Daniel Pipkin, Chloe Anne Grissy Pipkin by their guardian Daniel Hinds.

Jno Hodges {Seal}

Neill McNeill
Hect. Stewart
Danl McLean

1 Nov 1826

Cumberland County, NC CR 29.506.1 63

Inventory of the property of Elisha Pipkin dec'd - January 3, 1825 Acct of Sales of the personal property of Elisha Pipkin dec'd - Mar Term 1825

Court of Pleas & Quarter Sep Term 1828

Danl Hines comes into court and asks leave to surrender his guardianship of Eliza, Jane, Danl & Chloe Pipkin.

Petition for Partition of Lands of Elisha Pipkin, 1825

State of North Carolina
Cumberland County
December Term 1825

To the Worshipful the Court of Pleas Quarter Sessions in and for the County and State aforesaid

The petition of Lewis Pipkin, Daniel Rutty & Amy his wife, Jonathan Rutty & his wife Polly, Jacob Herring Crissy his wife, Jesse Pipkin & Elisha Pipkin, Elizabeth Pipkin, Archibald Pipkin, Stuart Pipkin by their guardian Lewis Pipkin, & Eliza Pipkin Daniel Pipkin Cloe Ann Grizzy Pipkin by their guardian Dan'l Hurd - Humbly sheweth that sometime in the year 1824 the late father of your petitioners Elisha Pipkin died intestate in the County aforesaid between Cape Fear & Upper Little River - adjoining each other containing twelve or thirteen hundred acres more or less - That your petitioners are the children & heirs of the said Elisha Pipkin, that Betsy Pipkin the widow of the said Elisha hath already had her dower in the said land measured and laid off and your petitioners are desirous to have their respective portions of the said land divided and laid off to them and therefore pray your worships to appoint Commissioners to divide & lay off to your petitioners their respective portions on the said lands according acts of Assembly in such case made & provided.

Strau__ for Petitioners
A true copy
teste John Armstrong Clk

Dec Term 1825

Ordered by the Court that the prayer of the Petitioners be granted & that John Hodges Dan'l McLean Hector Stuart Neill McNeill & Malcolm Shaw be Commissioners to divide the land & make return with their appropriations & proceedings under their hands & seals to next term teste John Armstrong Clk

March Term 1826 - no return - ordered that the same Commissioners act, with leave to report to June Term
Teste Jno Armstrong Clk

State of North Carolina
To the sheriff of Cumberland County Greeting: you are hereby commanded to summon John Hodges Daniel McLean, Hector Stewart, Neill McNeill & Malcom Shaw freeholders & with them proceed who after being duly sworn to make partition & appropriations of the lands of Elisha Pipkin dec'd between & amongst his heirs at law agreeably to their petition exhibited to our worshipful Court (a copy of which is hereunto annexed) & agreeably to the acts of assembly in such case made & provided & a copy of their proceedings & appropriations do you return together with this writ to our next Court to be had on the first Monday in June next

Witnesses John Armstrong Clerk of said Court at Fayetteville this the first Monday of March AD 1826
Jno Armstrong Clk
Issued 24 April 1826

State of North Carolina I Alexander McPherson Jr Clerk of the Superior Court for Cumberland County do certify that the above is a true copy of the petition & order of the Court appointing the above Commissioners to divide the lands & the same was duly executed the said sheriff John Black & the return of the Commissioners was duly registered in the Division book in the Registers Office of Cumberland County

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this the 6th day of February AD 1875
A.M. Pherson Jr Clc
By E.S. Winslow DC

[the date of this last record of 1875 is as written]

Division of the real Estate of Elisha Pipkin, Dec'd, 1826

State of North Carolina
Cumberland County
Pursuant to an order of the County Court of Cumberland made at December Term 1825 of said court and received at March term 1826 appointing & directing commissioners to divide & appropriate the real estate of Elisha Pipkin late of Cumberland County dec'd amongst the heirs at law of said dec'd Viz: Lewis Pipkin, Daniel Keithly & Amy his wife, Jonathan Keitly & Polly his wife, Jacob Herring & Cressy his wife, Jesse Pipkin, Elisha Pipkin, Elizabeth Pipkin, Archilaus Pipkin, Stewart Pipkin by their guardian Lewis Pipkin & Eliza Pipkin, Daniel Pipkin, Chloe Ann Grizzy Pipkin by their guardian Daniel Hines agreeable to their petition (a copy of which is hereunto anexed) we the undersigned named commissioners in said order after an actual survey & view of said lands beg leave to report the following allotments & appropriations Viz:

We allot & appropriate to Polly Keitly Lot No. 1 being a tract of 150 acres granted to John Clark the 11th day of Dec'r 1770 & a tract of 20 acres granted to Alex Clark the 14th day of Nov 1812 having such courses meets ___ boundaries as by the plats annexed to said grants are representd

We allot & appropriate to Elisha Pipkin Lot No. 2 containing 110 acres being part of a tract of 320 acres survey for Alex McKray April 26th 1740 beginning at a Sasafras first corner of said tract running ...

We allot unto Daniel Keitly & Amy his wife Lot No. 3 being part of the above described tract of 320 acres running ... 72 acres ...

We allot unto Elizabeth Pipkin Lot No. 4 being part of the above described 320 acres beginning ... 43 acres ...

We allot unto Jacob Herring & Crissey his wife Lot No. 5 being part of the above described tract of 320 acres beginning ... 43 acres ...

We allot unto Jesse Pipkin Lot No. 6 being part of the aforesaid 320 acres running ... 43 acres ...

We allot unto Archelaus Pipkin Lot No. 7 being part of the above described 320 acres and part of a tract of 63 acres granted to Alex Clark the 14th day of Nov 1812 beginning ... containing 44 acres ...

We allot to Stewart Pipkin Lot No. 8 being part of the two last described tracts beginning ... containing 47 acres ...

We allot another lot No. 8 containing 46 acres adjoining lot No. 2 & lot No. 12 ...

We allot to Cloe Ann Grizzy Pipkin Lot No. 9 containing two separate parcels marked No. 9 the one adjoining Lot No. 1 estimated at 100 acres ... and 48 acres ...

We allot Eliza Pipkin Lot No. 10 containing 96 acres ...

We allot Daniel Pipkin Lot No. 11 containing 132 1/2 acres ...

We allot to Lewis Pipkin Lot No. 12 containing 253 acres ... up the courses of the Little River ...

The valuation of lots is omitted for which see the county records for Cumberland County

Given under our hands and seals this 1st day of November 1826

John Hodges {Seal}
Neill McNeill {Seal}
Hector Stewart {Seal}
Danl McLean {Seal}

I Jesse T. Warden Clerk of the Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions in and for the County of Cumberland do certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the Extract from the division of the real estate of Elisha Pipkin as it appears of record in my office
In witness whereof I have hereunto
set my hand & affixed my seal of said
County of Office & witnesseth this
11th day of March AD 1858
J.T. Warden

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