Pipkin Family Association

Joseph Pipkin Land Grant 15 Dec 1778

Secretary of State Land Grant Office
Warrants, Plats, etc. - Dobbs County

No. 1154
County - Dobbs
Name - Joseph Pipkin
Acres - 640
Grant No. - 10
Issued - 15 Dec 1778
Warrant No. - [blank]
Entry No. - 27
Entered - 7 Apr 1778
Book No. - 29
Page No. - 10
Location - On the north side of Falling Creek

No. 27
Richard Caswell, Jun.
Entry Officer of Claims for Lands in the County of Dobbs

To the Surveyor of the said County, Greeting,

You are hereby required, as soon as may be, to lay off and survey, for Joseph Pipkin a Tract or Parcel of Land, containing Six hundred & forty Acres, lying in the County aforesaid, on the North side of Falling Creek Joining his own John Bratchers and James Rhodes line.

Observing the Directions of the Act of Assembly in such Case made and provided for running out Lands. Two just and fair Plans of such Survey, with a proper Certificate annexed to each, you are to transmit, with this Warrant, to the Secretary's Office without Delay.

Given under my Hand at Kingston
the 7th Day of April Anno
Dom. 1778
Rich'd Caswell Jun'r

State of No Carolina
Dobbs County
May 6th 1778

Survey'd for Joseph Pipkin a plantation containing Six hundred & forty Acre Land in Dobbs County Aforesaid on the North side falling Creek. Begining at a white oak in his own line & runs North two hundred & eighty poles to a black jack in or near another of his lines thence West two hundred sixty two poles to a pine in John Bratcher's line then South three hundred & two poles to a red oak on the creek side at James Rhode's line, then down the meanders of the creek to the Begining
Chas. Markland Surv'r

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